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Privacy Policy
  We value your privacy. Please view our Privacy Policy for complete details on how we use the information we collect.

Members' Personal Information
WE TAKE SPAM EMAILS, FRAUD, AND PRIVACY ISSUES VERY SERIOUSLY, THEREFORE, WE ARE HIGHLY PROTECTIVE OF OUR CUSTOMER’S PERSONAL INFORMATION AND DO NOT SHARE OUR CUSTOMER’S PERSONAL INFORMATION WITH ANYONE. Our web site uses customer contact information from the registration form to send our customer information about their order, saving coupons and promotional material from our company only. Users may opt-out of our email list or mailings at any time by sending us an email to request to be removed from our email list.

IP Addresses and Demographic Information When visiting our web site, our web site will identify your computer’s IP address for problem analysis and site administration. Your IP address helps us gather broad demographic information. We use this data to tailor the visitor's experience at our site, showing them content that we think they might be interested in and displaying the content according to their preferences.

Security Our web site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. All credit card information utilizes state-of-the-art Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology and is SET compliant. If you use Paypal to send us payment, your credit card information is protected by Paypal and is not passed onto our web site. Paypal also uses strong encryption technology to protect your credit card information.

Having Trouble Receiving Email from Us? If you are having trouble receiving your order confirmation email, saving coupon email, or promotional email from us. Please check the email program you are using and make sure our email addresses is added in the approved email list.

Contacting US If you have any questions about this privacy and security statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, just send us your input via email or contact us with contact information listed in our Contact Us page.
  This website is protected with SSL (secure socket layer) encryption, the highest standard in Internet security. Our web site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. All credit card information utilizes state-of-the-art Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology and is SET compliant. If you use Paypal to send us payment, your credit card information is protected by Paypal and is not passed onto our web site. Paypal also uses strong encryption technology to protect your credit card information.